Tim Cortinovis bietet inspirierende Vorträge und Keynotes (live, virtuell, hybrid oder im Metaverse) auf Deutsch, Englisch und Spanisch, damit Unternehmen und Organisationen herausragende Ergebnisse mit Veranstaltungen erzielen. Er bringt die ideale Mischung aus Authentizität, inspirierender Energie, maßgeschneiderten Einblicken und praktischer Anwendung für jede Publikumsgröße. Umsetzungsorientierung ist dabei selbstverständlich.
Aktuelle Themen:
So nutzt Ihr ChatGPT, Dalle und andere AI-Tools erfolgreich in Eurem Unternehmen
So geht Vertrieb in Zukunft: Was kommt, wie wir uns vorbereiten können und davon profitieren können
Sales im Metaverse – So geht Vertrieb in der virtuellen Welt
Menschen mitnehmen in der digitalen Transformation im Vertrieb: Digitales Mindset für erfolgreichen Vertrieb
Künstliche Intelligenz im Vertrieb: Vertriebsautomatisierung, Sales Automation
Social Selling: Verkaufen in sozialen Netzwerken
Wer ist Tim Cortinovis?
Tim Cortinovis ist ein weltweit anerkannter Autor, Keynote Speaker und Moderator zu KI und Vertrieb.
Seit 2011 ist Tim international gefragt, wenn es darum geht, wie Unternehmen von AI, Automatisierung und anderen innovativen Technologien in Vertrieb und Marketing profitieren. Er begeistert Teams für den Einsatz neuester Tools. Unter anderem hat er mit Siemens, Avaya, Arvato, ING und e.on gearbeitet.
Der Amazon-Beststeller. Das Praxisbuch zur Zukunft des Vertriebs, jetzt in der zweiten Auflage mit extra Kapitel zu ChatGPT im Vertrieb. Es zeigt deutlich, was Kunden heute wollen und wie wir im Vertrieb von KI und innovativen Ansätzen profitieren.
Tim Cortinovis moderiert für Siemens die REALIZE LIVE – Userconference in Berlin
Stimmen begeisterter Kundinnen und Kunden
Tim Cortinovis ist Mitglied der GSA, German Speakers Association. Das ist die Qualitätsgemeinschaft der professionellen Vortragsredner in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Durch regelmäßigen Austausch und Fortbildungen wird ein hohes Niveau garantiert.
Auch das Deutsche Rednerlexikon führt Tim Cortinovis als Redner und Experten zum Thema Digitalisierung und Automatisierung im Vertrieb.
Kunden sagen:
We had a fabulous talk from Tim. It was engaging, it was fun, it was airy and light. The whole room was really excited by what he had to share with us.
Tim Cortinovis ist DER Vertriebsguru Deutschlands.
We just want to thank Tim for being our host this week at our user conference. He did a great job keeping us all engaged, keeping us up to date on what everybody was talking about, connecting dots, and keeping us inspired.
The Sales Accelerator – der Blog von Tim Cortinovis
Das Interessanteste zur Digitalisierung im Vertrieb für Spielveränderer, Herausforderer und Visionäre. Die digitale Welt verändert sich rasant, jeden Tag. Neue Ideen, Tools, Innovationen.
How To Leverage AI To Build Trust With High-Consideration Prospects
In a digital world dominated by fast-paced interactions and ever-evolving technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is forging new paths for businesses, especially when it comes to building trust with potential high-consideration buyers. AI can tailor experiences to meet unique consumer expectations by leveraging vast amounts of data. This personalized approach helps reduce uncertainty among prospects, ultimately enhancing reliability and fostering stronger customer relationships.
Why does it matter? The ability to cultivate trust through AI is crucial for industries where clients undertake significant research and deliberation before making a purchase decision. This level of confidence can substantially affect conversion rates and customer loyalty, providing businesses with a competitive edge in sectors such as real estate, automotive, and financial services, where consumer decisions hinge on trust.
For whom important? This insight can prove valuable for marketers, sales strategists, and business decision-makers aiming to integrate AI effectively into their customer engagement strategies, ensuring that they not only attract potential clients but also nurture long-term relationships.
Read the whole story here: [Forbes Article on AI and Trust](https://www.forbes.com/councils/forbesagencycouncil/2024/11/20/how-to-leverage-ai-to-build-trust-with-high-consideration-prospects/).
How to Humanize AI Content So It Will Rank, Engage, and Get Shared in 2025
In today’s digital age, where artificial intelligence is increasingly taking the driver’s seat, content creators and marketers find themselves at a crossroads: the challenge of humanizing AI-generated content. HubSpot’s latest exploration into AI content humanization sheds light on the methods businesses can use to ensure that automated outputs resonate with human emotions and perspectives. This involves not just tweaking algorithms, but fostering a collaboration between human creativity and machine efficiency.
Why does it matter? As brands continue to rely on AI for content production, maintaining a genuine connection with their audience becomes crucial. Humanized content aligns better with audience expectations, potentially boosting engagement and fostering trust. In a landscape cluttered with automated messaging, human touchpoints are what differentiate a brand from being just another robotic voice.
For whom important? This development is particularly relevant for marketers, content strategists, and businesses invested in storytelling. It’s also essential for AI developers focused on refining algorithms to better mimic human thought processes. Understanding and implementing these insights can provide a competitive edge, ensuring AI content does more than just tick boxes but truly speaks to its intended audience.
Read the whole story here: [blog.hubspot.com](https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/ai-content-humanization)
How AI Revolutionizes E-commerce Sales
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is steadily transforming the e-commerce landscape, offering businesses innovative ways to boost sales and enhance customer experiences. Through techniques such as personalized recommendations, predictive analytics, and chatbots, AI helps retailers understand consumer behavior more intimately, thereby enabling them to make informed decisions that drive revenue growth. As technology continues to evolve, AI’s role in e-commerce is expected to expand, opening the door to new possibilities and efficiencies.
Why does it matter? In today’s competitive market, leveraging AI in e-commerce is not just an advantage but a necessity. Businesses that successfully implement AI strategies are better positioned to cater to customer preferences and enhance overall satisfaction, ensuring they remain relevant and thrive in the digital age.
For whom important? This development holds significant importance for e-commerce businesses looking to optimize sales strategies, improve customer engagement, and streamline operations. Additionally, technology providers developing AI solutions stand to benefit from the increased demand driven by the digital transformation of the retail sector.
Read the whole story here: [How AI Revolutionizes E-commerce Sales](https://www.blockchain-council.org/ai/how-ai-revolutionizes-e-commerce-sales/)