Tim Cortinovis - International Keynote Speaker

„pure Inspiration …. energiegeladen und spannend…“

Tim Cortinovis bietet inspirierende Vorträge und Keynotes (live, virtuell, hybrid oder im Metaverse) auf Deutsch, Englisch und Spanisch, damit Unternehmen und Organisationen herausragende Ergebnisse mit Veranstaltungen erzielen. Er bringt die ideale Mischung aus Authentizität, inspirierender Energie, maßgeschneiderten Einblicken und praktischer Anwendung für jede Publikumsgröße. Umsetzungsorientierung ist dabei selbstverständlich. 

Aktuelle Themen:

So nutzt Ihr ChatGPT, Dalle und andere AI-Tools erfolgreich in Eurem Unternehmen

So geht Vertrieb in Zukunft: Was kommt, wie wir uns vorbereiten können und davon profitieren können

Sales im Metaverse – So geht Vertrieb in der virtuellen Welt

Menschen mitnehmen in der digitalen Transformation im Vertrieb: Digitales Mindset für erfolgreichen Vertrieb

Künstliche Intelligenz im Vertrieb: Vertriebsautomatisierung, Sales Automation

Social Selling: Verkaufen in sozialen Netzwerken

Wer ist Tim Cortinovis?

Tim Cortinovis ist ein weltweit anerkannter Autor, Keynote Speaker und Moderator zu KI und Vertrieb.

Seit 2011 ist Tim international gefragt, wenn es darum geht, wie Unternehmen von AI, Automatisierung und anderen innovativen Technologien in Vertrieb und Marketing profitieren. Er begeistert Teams für den Einsatz neuester Tools. Unter anderem hat er mit Siemens, Avaya, Arvato, ING und e.on gearbeitet.

So geht Vertrieb in Zukunft

Wie Robotics und KI den Vertrieb im Mittelstand verändern 

Der Amazon-Beststeller. Das Praxisbuch zur Zukunft des Vertriebs, jetzt in der zweiten Auflage mit extra Kapitel zu ChatGPT im Vertrieb. Es zeigt deutlich, was Kunden heute wollen und wie wir im Vertrieb von KI und innovativen Ansätzen profitieren. 


Tim Cortinovis moderiert für Siemens die REALIZE LIVE – Userconference in Berlin


Stimmen begeisterter Kundinnen und Kunden



Tim Cortinovis ist Mitglied der GSA, German Speakers Association. Das ist die Qualitätsgemeinschaft der professionellen Vortragsredner in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Durch regelmäßigen Austausch und Fortbildungen wird ein hohes Niveau garantiert.

Auch das Deutsche Rednerlexikon führt Tim Cortinovis als Redner und Experten zum Thema Digitalisierung und Automatisierung im Vertrieb.


Kunden sagen:

We had a fabulous talk from Tim. It was engaging, it was fun, it was airy and light. The whole room was really excited by what he had to share with us.

Jason Wesbecher

VP Sales and Marketing, Corel Corporation, Austin

Tim Cortinovis ist DER Vertriebsguru Deutschlands.

Wolfgang Tiefensee

Wirtschaftsminister, Land Thüringen

We just want to thank Tim for being our host this week at our user conference. He did a great job keeping us all engaged, keeping us up to date on what everybody was talking about, connecting dots, and keeping us inspired.

Stacey Gromlich

Director Global Audience Engagement, Siemens Digital Industries Software

The Sales Accelerator – der Blog von Tim Cortinovis

Das Interessanteste zur Digitalisierung im Vertrieb für Spielveränderer, Herausforderer und Visionäre. Die digitale Welt verändert sich rasant, jeden Tag. Neue Ideen, Tools, Innovationen. 

CloudOffix Introduces Cloudia: The AI-Assistant Revolutionizing The Use of AI in Business Operations

CloudOffix Introduces Cloudia: The AI-Assistant Revolutionizing The Use of AI in Business Operations

**Major Breakthrough in Quantum Computing Achieved by Leading Tech Giant**

In a spectacular leap forward, a leading tech company has announced a significant advancement in the field of quantum computing. The breakthrough promises to revolutionize computing technology, offering unprecedented processing speeds and endless possibilities for industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to digital security. This quantum marvel stands to challenge the capabilities of classical computers and set a new benchmark in modern technology.

*Why does it matter?* This development is crucial because it represents a paradigm shift in computing power and efficiency. With quantum computing, tasks that were previously thought impossible or that required massive computational resources can potentially be completed in a fraction of the time. This could lead to innovations in various fields, including drug discovery, weather forecasting, and cryptography.

*For whom important?* Importantly, this advancement is particularly significant for researchers, tech companies, and industries that rely heavily on data processing and complex calculations. It could also play a vital role for governments and organizations focused on cybersecurity, as well as educators and students in STEM fields who aim to pioneer future innovations.

*Read the whole story here:* [Original Article](https://news.google.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?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en)

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AI Chatbots as Virtual Assistants: How They’re Changing Everyday Life

AI Chatbots as Virtual Assistants: How They’re Changing Everyday Life

AI chatbots are revolutionizing the way we interact with technology, serving as efficient virtual assistants that streamline various aspects of daily life. According to a recent article from Programming Insider, these advanced tools are increasingly being embedded in smartphones, home devices, and office systems to manage tasks ranging from scheduling appointments to controlling smart home devices. As these virtual assistants become more integrated into daily routines, they are expected to alleviate the mundane, allowing users to focus on more complex tasks.

Why does it matter? The rise of AI chatbots highlights a shift towards more personalized and responsive tech solutions tailored to individual needs. By automating routine tasks, these intelligent systems can boost productivity and enhance convenience in personal and professional settings. This evolution reflects broader trends in artificial intelligence and machine learning aimed at making technology intuitive and accessible to all users.

For whom important? The advancements in AI chatbots are crucial for consumers seeking efficiency and simplicity in managing their daily tasks, as well as businesses aiming to improve customer service and operational efficiency. Tech companies investing in AI development also benefit by leading innovation and influencing future technology standards.

Read the whole story here: [Programming Insider](https://programminginsider.com/ai-chatbots-as-virtual-assistants-how-theyre-changing-everyday-life/)

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How to Stop Your Data From Being Used to Train AI

How to Stop Your Data From Being Used to Train AI

In today’s digital age, our personal data is more valuable than ever, and it’s becoming increasingly common for this data to be used in training artificial intelligence systems. With AI technology permeating our daily lives, understanding how to protect our data is crucial. A recent article from Wired delves into the various ways individuals can stop their data from being used to train AI, offering practical steps to safeguard privacy and control over personal information.

Why does it matter? As AI systems become more sophisticated, the data used to train these technologies can directly influence their development and potential biases. When our data is used without consent, it raises ethical concerns about privacy and autonomy. Ensuring that individuals have the power to decide how their data is used can shape the future of AI development in ways that are fair and equitable.

For whom important? This information holds particular significance for anyone concerned about digital privacy and the implications of AI technology on society. From tech-savvy individuals to everyday users wary of how their data is handled, understanding these protective measures allows for informed decisions about personal data security.

Read the whole story here: [Wired Article](https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-stop-your-data-from-being-used-to-train-ai/)

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