🎊 This year marks a decade of my journey as an international speaker, and I’ve had the privilege of presenting both on-site and virtually in diverse countries like 🌎


the USA







and Greece.

Reflecting on my experiences, I realize that engaging with global audiences, whether it be an in-person gathering or a virtual crowd, is something I truly cherish.

Whether it’s a physical stage or a virtual platform, the thrill of energizing and enlightening an audience is unparalleled.

The joy of visiting new places, connecting with different people and organizations, and stepping onto various stages across the world is incredibly fulfilling.

The reaction of the audience to a significant insight, a compelling story, or a humorous moment is always a highlight.

As I prepare for my upcoming travel plans, I’ve been contemplating the valuable lessons learned from ten years of international speaking:

🔶 The essence of a great presentation lies in the energy and personality you bring. It’s crucial to captivate your audience from start to finish.

🔶 Your content should be straightforward yet impactful. It should be easy to remember but potent enough to be actionable and beneficial.

🔶 Storytelling is a powerful tool to make your message resonate and stick with your audience. And humor does not hurt, either.

🔶 Physical or virtual presence matters. Moving around the stage or being dynamic in virtual settings helps maintain audience attention and focus.

🔶 Finally, don´t forget: Like in sales: It´s all about them – not you.

A heartfelt thanks to everyone who has invited me to speak and to all who have attended my talks. I eagerly look forward to visiting more countries and continuing to inspire audiences worldwide.

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