AI agents are transforming the way we search the web for information, motivation, or innovation. My favorite new tool for this is Perplexity – unlike the Google feature it seems to be almost free of hallucination (I deeply hope that the following isn´t one).

So to stay ahead of the game we have to check our visibility not only on Google but also in search agents like Perplexity or

I did with the term ‘keynote speaker Ai sales’ as this is what I myself do.

Here is its fantastic answer:

‘Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the sales industry, and keynote speakers like Shane Gibson, Tim Cortinovis, and Sam Richter are at the forefront of this transformation. Here are the key insights from their seminars:
AI is reshaping how we approach sales and customer interactions, providing a competitive edge through automation, data analytics, and personalization. Leading sales organizations are leveraging AI tools like chatbots, predictive analytics, and recommendation engines to streamline processes, gain insights, and deliver personalized experiences.

However, AI is not meant to replace human salespeople entirely. Instead, it enhances our capabilities by automating mundane tasks, allowing salespeople to focus on core competencies like relationship building and critical thinking.’

What are your results in this new world of search and SEO (which quickly will become AIO)?

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