How to make your website visible on ChatGPT?

The raise of the large language models is dramatically changing the way we interact with businesses online. The entire industrial chain of SaaS editors, marketplaces, advertisers, integrators, SEO experts, and agencies see tectonic changes in the next 24 months. How...

The WIRED Guide to Quantum Computing

BIG THINGS HAPPEN when computers get smaller. Or faster. And quantum computing is about chasing perhaps the biggest performance boost in the history of technology. The basic idea is to smash some barriers that limit the speed of existing computers by harnessing the...

Live(stream) Shopping – Hype mit Potential

Erfolgsfaktoren und praktische Umsetzungstipps IKEA Schweiz[1] hat’s getan, das Modehaus Goldener[2] und die Chäslade[3] von Rahel Manser in Appenzell bieten es an – sie alle nutzen Live Shopping als Marketing- und Verkaufskanal. Und damit sind sie...

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