Digitalisierung im B2B-Vertrieb

Wenn der „Einkaufsbot“ mit dem „Verkaufsbot“ …

Sie suchen einen Keynote Speaker zur Digitalisierung im B2B-Vertrieb?

Zunehmend schneller werden immer mehr Teile der Wertschöpfungskette automatisiert. Im Bereich Produktion (Stichwort Industrie 4.0) sind wir bereits sehr weit. Nun erreicht viele Unternehmen der Gedanke, auch den Vertrieb und das Marketing weitaus stärker mit digitalen Mitteln auszustatten oder gar zu automatisieren.

Buchen Sie dazu diese aktuelle Keynote und ermöglichen Sie Ihren VeranstaltungsteilnehmerInnen einen Einblick, was jetzt schon möglich ist und einen Ausblick, was in den nächsten zwei bis fünf Jahren möglich sein wird. (Hätten Sie etwa gedacht, dass dass 2020 bereits 85% aller Kundenkommunikationen nur noch über Bots stattfinden? Das zumindest sagt die Gartner Group voraus.)

Heute schon sind Lösungen praxistauglich, an die wir vor fünf Jahren noch nicht geglaubt hätten. Was von dem, was möglich ist, sollten Sie für Ihren Vertrieb einsetzen? Und wie stellen Sie Ihren Vertrieb auf, um mögliche Chancen, die sich aus der Digitalisierung ergeben, zu nutzen? Es geht darum, passende Lösungen für einzelne Prozesse zu finden, aber gleichzeitig auch das Mindset des Vertriebs auf die neue Herausforderung einzustellen. Denn um „einfach Produkte zu verkaufen“, wird in allernächster Zukunft kaum noch jemand benötigt. Hier gilt es, frühzeitig die richtige Strategie zu erkennen.

Wie ist der erste Eindruck direkt nach einem Vortrag?

Hier das Videotestimonial von Peter Ring aus dem Vorstand des Verbands der selbständigen Versicherungskaufleute der SIGNAL IDUNA Gruppe nach einem Vortrag von Tim Cortinovis auf der Hauptversammlung des VSV

„Vielen Dank für einen spannenden und sehr unterhaltsamen Vortrag. Unsere Teilnehmer waren begeistert von den Einblicken in die ganz aktuellen Trends der Digitalisierung im Vertrieb. Ich wünsche noch vielen anderen Veranstaltungsteilnehmern, dass Sie in den Genuss eines Vortrages von Ihnen kommen!“

Dr. Tilman Welther, Herausgeber Fondszeitung

The last editions of The Sales Accelerator

These are the last articles of the current issue.

AI may not steal many jobs after all. It may just make workers more efficient

AI may not steal many jobs after all. It may just make workers more efficient

**AI: The Upgrade Worker Efficiency Was Waiting For?**

In a recent twist to the AI employment narrative, new findings suggest that artificial intelligence may not be the job-stealing villain it has been made out to be. Instead, AI technology could empower workers, enhancing overall productivity and efficiency. The emphasis is on collaboration rather than replacement, potentially reshaping the workplace for the better.

**Why does it matter?**

This insight disrupts widespread fears concerning AI-induced job losses, inviting a more optimistic outlook on technology’s role in the workforce. As industries increasingly integrate AI, understanding its potential to augment rather than eliminate jobs can guide policy-making and business strategies.

**For whom important?**

These findings are crucial for policymakers, business leaders, and employees, all of whom stand to benefit from a balanced perspective on AI’s impact. Recognizing AI’s role as a tool for efficiency rather than a threat can inform more constructive approaches to the future of work.

**Read the whole story here:** [AI may not steal many jobs after all – it may just make workers more efficient](

Answer Sales Calls Inc.: Fintech Tackles Financial Exclusion Head-on With Innovative Solutions

Answer Sales Calls Inc.: Fintech Tackles Financial Exclusion Head-on With Innovative Solutions

Answer Sales Calls Inc. Fintech Tackles Financial Exclusion Head-On with Innovative Solutions

In a groundbreaking effort to address financial exclusion, Answer Sales Calls Inc. Fintech has rolled out cutting-edge solutions aimed at bridging the gap for underserved communities. Leveraging advanced technologies, the company seeks to provide accessible financial services to those historically left out of the traditional banking system. This initiative could mark a significant shift in how financial services are delivered, especially to marginalized groups.

Why does it matter? Financial exclusion remains a considerable challenge, limiting economic opportunities for many. Ensuring that everyone has access to essential financial services is crucial for broader economic balance and growth.

For whom important: This initiative is particularly significant for individuals and communities who have been underserved by traditional financial institutions, including those in lower-income brackets and rural areas.

Read the whole story here: [](

Nokia’s AI Leap Forward in Telecom Security

Nokia’s AI Leap Forward in Telecom Security

**Nokia’s AI Leap Forward in Telecom Security**

In a compelling development within the telecom world, Nokia has unveiled an advanced AI-driven security solution aimed at bolstering telecommunications infrastructures. The focus of this innovation is to provide enhanced protection against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, ensuring secure communication channels for both service providers and consumers.

*Why does it matter?* In an era characterized by heightened cyber threats, the integration of AI into telecom security is crucial for maintaining the integrity and reliability of communication networks. This move by Nokia signifies a significant step toward more resilient and secure telecommunications infrastructures.

*For whom important?* Telecommunications service providers and their customers stand to benefit the most from this development. It offers providers advanced tools to safeguard their networks, while end-users can enjoy a more secure and reliable communication experience.

*Read the whole story here:* [](

AI may not steal many jobs after all. It may just make workers more efficient

AI may not steal many jobs after all. It may just make workers more efficient

**AI’s Real Impact on Jobs: Efficiency Over Elimination**

In a recent article from the Economic Times, it’s suggested that AI might not endanger as many jobs as previously feared. Instead, AI technologies could enhance workplace productivity, enabling employees to perform their tasks more efficiently without significant job losses. This perspective is based on new research and expert opinions.

**Why does it matter?** With growing concerns about job security in an AI-driven world, this insight provides a more balanced understanding of AI’s potential benefits. It shifts the narrative from fear of unemployment to opportunities for increased efficiency and improved job performance.

**For whom important?** This development is particularly relevant for employees worried about job stability, employers looking to integrate AI without the negative impact on their workforce, and policymakers who need to balance technological advancement with economic stability.

Read the whole story [here](

Q&A: LinkedIn’s sales leader on how genAI is fundamentally changing B2B sales

Q&A: LinkedIn’s sales leader on how genAI is fundamentally changing B2B sales

In a recent conversation with Raconteur, LinkedIn’s sales leader shed light on the transformative impact of generative AI on B2B sales. The adoption of AI technologies is streamlining sales processes and creating more personalized and efficient interactions between businesses. This technological shift is not just enhancing operational efficiencies but is also setting new benchmarks in the B2B sales landscape.

Why does it matter? The integration of generative AI in sales strategies allows businesses to analyze data more proficiently, forecast trends, and tailor communication to meet client needs more accurately. This not only boosts sales efficacy but also nurtures more meaningful client relationships.

For whom important: This development is particularly significant for sales professionals and B2B companies aiming to stay competitive in an increasingly digitized market. Understanding the role of AI in sales can offer valuable insights into optimizing strategies and driving growth.

Read the whole story here: [](

AI May Not Steal Many Jobs After All. It May Just Make Workers More Efficient

AI May Not Steal Many Jobs After All. It May Just Make Workers More Efficient

In a rapidly evolving job market, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a focal point of discussion. According to a recent article on Time, there is a noticeable shift in how AI is beginning to reshape various career paths. This shift is not just altering existing jobs but creating entirely new opportunities and roles that were previously inconceivable.

**Why does it matter:** The implications of AI integration are far-reaching. It holds the potential to significantly boost productivity and innovation across different industries. However, it also brings challenges, particularly in terms of workforce preparedness and job displacement. Understanding these transformations is crucial for adapting to and harnessing the benefits of AI.

**For whom important:** This information is vital for professionals in technology and education sectors, policymakers, as well as job seekers who want to stay ahead in a competitive market. By recognizing the trends, stakeholders can make informed decisions about career development, educational focus, and regulatory frameworks.

**Read the whole story here:** [](

The future of data analytics in business intelligence [Q&A]

The future of data analytics in business intelligence [Q&A]

**The Future of Data Analytics in Business Intelligence: Q&A**

In a recent article from BetaNews, industry experts delve into the evolving landscape of data analytics within the realm of business intelligence. Key discussions focus on the transformative impact of advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, emphasizing how these tools are enhancing decision-making processes and providing deeper insights for businesses across various sectors.

**Why does it matter?**
Understanding the future of data analytics in business intelligence is crucial as companies seek to leverage data-driven strategies for competitive advantage. Improved analytics capabilities enable better forecasting, resource optimization, and customer insights, which are essential for sustainable growth and innovation.

**For whom important?**
This development is particularly significant for business leaders, data scientists, and IT professionals who aim to stay ahead in the competitive landscape. Investors and stakeholders interested in technological advancements and their potential impacts on market trends will also find this insightful.

**Read the whole story here:** [](

AI may not steal many jobs after all. It may just make workers more efficient

AI may not steal many jobs after all. It may just make workers more efficient

In a surprising twist to the AI narrative, recent insights reveal that artificial intelligence may not be the job-stealer many feared it to be. Instead, AI seems poised to make workers more efficient. This counter-narrative challenges the long-held belief that advanced tech could displace a large portion of the workforce, suggesting a symbiotic relationship between AI and human labor.

**Why does it matter?** Understanding AI’s real impact on the job market can shape policies and strategies for businesses and workers alike, paving the way for a future where technology enhances rather than replaces human efforts.

**For whom important?** This is crucial information for employees concerned about job security, employers looking to maximize productivity, and policymakers aiming to balance technological advancement with employment stability.

**Read the whole story here:** [AI may not steal many jobs after all. It may just make workers more efficient.](

AI may not steal many jobs after all. It may just make workers more efficient

AI may not steal many jobs after all. It may just make workers more efficient

In a rapidly changing job market, the buzz around artificial intelligence is louder than ever. According to a recent AP News report, AI is set to redefine numerous job roles, creating opportunities while eliminating others. From advanced data analytics to mundane administrative tasks, AI’s grasp on the job market is a double-edged sword that has both employers and employees on their toes.

Why does it matter? As industries evolve, understanding the implications of AI on employment can help job seekers and employers alike adapt to new realities. For whom important? This information is crucial for professionals in fields susceptible to automation, policymakers shaping the future of work, and businesses looking to leverage AI without compromising their workforce.

Read the whole story here: [AP News Article](

Kunden sagen:

We had a fabulous talk from Tim. It was engaging, it was fun, it was airy and light. The whole room was really excited by what he had to share with us.

Jason Wesbecher

VP Sales and Marketing, Corel Corporation, Austin

Tim Cortinovis ist DER Vertriebsguru Deutschlands.

Wolfgang Tiefensee

Wirtschaftsminister, Land Thüringen

We just want to thank Tim for being our host this week at our user conference. He did a great job keeping us all engaged, keeping us up to date on what everybody was talking about, connecting dots, and keeping us inspired.

Stacey Gromlich

Director Global Audience Engagement, Siemens Digital Industries Software

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