Wenn der „Einkaufsbot“ mit dem „Verkaufsbot“ …
Sie suchen einen Keynote Speaker zur Digitalisierung im B2B-Vertrieb?
Zunehmend schneller werden immer mehr Teile der Wertschöpfungskette automatisiert. Im Bereich Produktion (Stichwort Industrie 4.0) sind wir bereits sehr weit. Nun erreicht viele Unternehmen der Gedanke, auch den Vertrieb und das Marketing weitaus stärker mit digitalen Mitteln auszustatten oder gar zu automatisieren.
Buchen Sie dazu diese aktuelle Keynote und ermöglichen Sie Ihren VeranstaltungsteilnehmerInnen einen Einblick, was jetzt schon möglich ist und einen Ausblick, was in den nächsten zwei bis fünf Jahren möglich sein wird. (Hätten Sie etwa gedacht, dass dass 2020 bereits 85% aller Kundenkommunikationen nur noch über Bots stattfinden? Das zumindest sagt die Gartner Group voraus.)
Heute schon sind Lösungen praxistauglich, an die wir vor fünf Jahren noch nicht geglaubt hätten. Was von dem, was möglich ist, sollten Sie für Ihren Vertrieb einsetzen? Und wie stellen Sie Ihren Vertrieb auf, um mögliche Chancen, die sich aus der Digitalisierung ergeben, zu nutzen? Es geht darum, passende Lösungen für einzelne Prozesse zu finden, aber gleichzeitig auch das Mindset des Vertriebs auf die neue Herausforderung einzustellen. Denn um „einfach Produkte zu verkaufen“, wird in allernächster Zukunft kaum noch jemand benötigt. Hier gilt es, frühzeitig die richtige Strategie zu erkennen.
Wie ist der erste Eindruck direkt nach einem Vortrag?
Hier das Videotestimonial von Peter Ring aus dem Vorstand des Verbands der selbständigen Versicherungskaufleute der SIGNAL IDUNA Gruppe nach einem Vortrag von Tim Cortinovis auf der Hauptversammlung des VSV
“Vielen Dank für einen spannenden und sehr unterhaltsamen Vortrag. Unsere Teilnehmer waren begeistert von den Einblicken in die ganz aktuellen Trends der Digitalisierung im Vertrieb. Ich wünsche noch vielen anderen Veranstaltungsteilnehmern, dass Sie in den Genuss eines Vortrages von Ihnen kommen!”
Dr. Tilman Welther, Herausgeber Fondszeitung
The last editions of The Sales Accelerator
These are the last articles of the current issue.
How Generative AI Will Change Sales
This article looks at the implications of generative AI for sales teams. Generative AI is a form of artificial intelligence which can create its own data from existing data sets, allowing it to provide valuable insights and automate certain tasks. The author argues that in order to stay competitive, sales teams will need to use generative AI in their workflows. Sales professionals should read this article as it provides an insight into how generative AI could be used effectively by their team and outlines potential benefits such as improved customer service, increased efficiency, and better decision making. #GenerativeAI #SalesTeams #AI Read the whole story here: https://hbr.org/2023/03/how-generative-ai-will-change-sales
Customer Segmentation: The Ultimate Guide
This article is about customer segmentation and how businesses can use it to increase their sales. It explains why it’s important, the different kinds of segmentations out there, and tips for creating a successful segmentation strategy. Businesses that want to optimize their marketing strategies should read this article to learn more about customer segmentation.
Read the whole story here: https://forbes.com/advisor/business/customer-segmentation/#7d6aa25c4e38 #BusinessMarketing #CustomerSegmentation
OpenAI CEO: It’s Not Funny That I’m Afraid of the AI We’re Creating
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman recently expressed his fears of the potential dangers posed by AI. He believes that AI can be used for terrible purposes and also has the potential to cause economic disruption. This article is a great read for anyone interested in learning more about Artificial Intelligence and its implications on society. Read the whole story here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/127lm4i/openai_ceo_its_not_funny_that_im_afraid_of_the_ai/# #AI #OpenAI
AI’s Transformative Power
This article from Grewelox covers how AI is transforming the power of organizations. It explains how AI can simplify and automate processes, create new value propositions for customers, and help reduce costs. Businesses that need to maintain a competitive edge should read this article to learn about the potential benefits of adopting AI technology. #AI #Automation
Read the whole story here: https://grewelox.com/greymatter/ais-transformative-power
Always be prompting
This article explains how to use a GPT-3 powered AI chatbot prompt. It dives into the various ways it can be used, and provides tips on how to get started with using the technology. This article is great for anyone interested in learning more about GPT-3 and AI chatbots. Read the whole story here: https://techcrunch.com/2023/04/01/how-to-prompt-ai-chat-gpt/. #GPT3 #AiChatbot #TechCrunch
15 useful ChatGPT prompts for startups
This article discusses a new technology called ChatGPT, which is designed to help startups create conversational AI. It explains how the technology works and provides examples of how it can be used. This article is especially helpful for entrepreneurs who are interested in using conversational AI as part of their business model or operations. Read the whole story here: https://www.fastcompany.com/90875084/chatgpt-prompts-for-startups?partner=rss&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=rss+fastcompany&utm_content=#ChatGPT #Startups #AI
Microsoft and Google Unveil A.I. Tools for Businesses
This article looks at how Microsoft and Google are helping businesses with AI tools. It explains how the two companies are supporting small, medium, and large organizations in leveraging AI to improve their processes and products. Businesses of all sizes should read this article to understand the ways they can use AI tools to become more efficient and competitive. #Microsoft #Google Read the whole story here: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiV2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm55dGltZXMuY29tLzIwMjMvMDMvMTYvdGVjaG5vbG9neS9taWNyb3NvZnQtZ29vZ2xlLWFpLXRvb2xzLWJ1c2luZXNzZXMuaHRtbNIBAA?oc=5
6 best enterprise project management software for 2023
This article discusses the benefits of Enterprise Project Management (EPM) software and how it can help companies manage their projects more effectively. It also examines different features of EPM software and provides tips to ensure successful implementation. This is a must-read for any business looking to streamline project management processes, reduce costs, and maximize efficiency. #ProjectManagement #SoftwareSolution Read the whole story here: https://techrepublic.com/article/enterprise-project-management-software/
GUEST COMMENT The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning are drastically changing the face of ecommerce
This article discusses the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to drastically change the face of ecommerce. It explains how these technologies can be used in various aspects such as marketing, customer service, product design, delivery, and more. Anyone interested in learning more about AI and ML technology should read this article. #AI #MachineLearning
Read the whole story here: https://internetretailing.net/guest-comment-the-use-of-artifical-intelligence-and-machine-learning-are-drastically
Kunden sagen:
We had a fabulous talk from Tim. It was engaging, it was fun, it was airy and light. The whole room was really excited by what he had to share with us.
Tim Cortinovis ist DER Vertriebsguru Deutschlands.
We just want to thank Tim for being our host this week at our user conference. He did a great job keeping us all engaged, keeping us up to date on what everybody was talking about, connecting dots, and keeping us inspired.