Title: Predicted AI Code Flaws Likely to Enable Cyberattacks in Coming Year

A report from Forrester suggests that AI technologies’ vulnerabilities will likely enable a new wave of cyberattacks next year. This is due to the lack of attention given to the security risks inherent in machine learning models, and the prevalence of open source AI libraries and frameworks, which makes it easier for malicious actors to exploit weaknesses.

Forrester explains that as AI is adopted more broadly by businesses, the vulnerabilities of these technologies become more apparent. Many of these vulnerabilities are based on the algorithms themselves, but there is also an increased risk as the proliferation of open-source AI and machine learning libraries and code increases.

The report also states that 2022 will see an increased focus on operational resilience by businesses. Companies will need to address a shift to a remote and distributed work environment, which can expose new attack vectors that endanger the entire organization.

This article is crucial for business owners, IT professionals, and anyone involved in AI technologies development and usage. It provides essential insights for understanding the potential risks and vulnerabilities that come along with AI integration and the necessary steps for safeguarding against them.

Read the whole story here: [https://venturebeat.com/security/forrester-predicts-a-i-code-flaws-will-enable-new-attacks-next-year](https://venturebeat.com/security/forrester-predicts-a-i-code-flaws-will-enable-new-attacks-next-year)

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