Title: Mercedes aims to inspire brand loyalty in customers akin to Apple

German automobile giant Mercedes-Benz is reportedly strategizing to emulate Apple’s customer loyalty model. They aim to guarantee that their customer base not only purchases their premium cars but also avails of their digital services and other high-margin products. Mercedes vision is to create an ‘ecosystem’ wherein customers connect with the brand on a deeper level.

Their strategy reportedly involves the selling of subscriptions for digital services, data-based insurance and maintenance models and in-car shopping possibilities. This is similar to Apple’s model where customers are locked in a system that draws them to use other products and services. Mercedes, through their plan, envisions a future wherein vehicles will be more software-defined and interconnected.

They predict earning a significant proportion of their sales from such software and digital services, a trend that has already been seen with high-profile tech companies. Daimler-owned Mercedes is optimistic about the strategy and aims to return to their previous profit margins by 2025.

This article should be read by those interested in market trends, the automobile industry, and brand loyalty strategies. It will particularly appeal to Mercedes-Benz customers, employees, and stakeholders who are likely to be directly impacted by the brand’s new strategy.

Read the whole story here: https://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/industrie/markentreue-mercedes-will-kunden-binden-wie-apple/29500982.html

#MercedesBenz #CustomerLoyalty #AppleModel #BrandStrategy #AutomobileIndustry

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