In an era of shifting work paradigms and increasing digitalisation, traditional project management methodologies are facing fierce competition from their more flexible cousin – agile project management. According to the insightful blog post on LPSP, digitalisation of processes demands a fresh approach where adaptability and flexibility are paramount. Traditional scope-driven project management might struggle to keep pace with such demands, hence the rising popularity of agile methods which values interactions and individuals over processes and tools.

Why does it matter? Interestingly, the choice of project management method can significantly impact the success of your organisation’s digitalisation efforts. Agile project management, with its iterative approach and emphasis on continuous improvement, aligns better with the dynamic and unpredictable nature of digital processes. The IDEAL model described in the referenced article outlines a systematic way to assess, plan, and execute digitalisation initiatives using agile methodologies.

For whom it’s important? Companies on the digitalisation journey, project leaders, and employees working on digitisation initiatives should take note. In an environment where technology and user needs change rapidly, agile approaches can provide the flexibility to pivot and adapt based on real-time feedback, ensuring successful and efficient digitalisation of processes. Read the whole story here: [](

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