by Tim Cortinovis | Sunday, 28. August, 2022 | AI-generated Summaries
Were you unable to attend Transform 2022? Check out all of the summit sessions in our on-demand library now! Watch here . Marc Andreesen famously claimed in 2011 that “software is eating the world” in an op-ed article in the Wall Street Journal . His point was that... by Tim Cortinovis | Thursday, 23. December, 2021 | AI-generated Summaries
On December 16, 2021, the premier edition of the Intel Startup Showcase turned the spotlight on eight deep tech startups from the Intel Startup Program that are defining new narratives of technology. The virtual event attracted a global audience of investors,... by Tim Cortinovis | Tuesday, 14. September, 2021 | AI-generated Summaries
Vermehrt finden Chatbots branchenübergreifend ihren Einsatz entlang der Customer Journey. In vielen Abteilungen und Prozessen übernehmen sie gezielt Aufgaben und tragen zur stetigen Digitalisierung sowie Automatisierung der Unternehmen bei. Heutige KI Chatbots können... by Tim Cortinovis | Tuesday, 14. September, 2021 | AI-generated Summaries
Conversational AI, which uses Natural Language Processing (NLP), Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Advanced Dialog management, and Machine Learning (ML), are likely to pass the Turing Test and provide a more realistic experience than traditional chatbots. Most of us... by Tim Cortinovis | Tuesday, 14. September, 2021 | AI-generated Summaries
Ist Conversational Commerce der nächste Megatrend im E-Commerce? Zu Gast ist Matthias Mehner, Managing Director & Chief Marketing Officer bei MessengerPeople. Wir sprechen darüber, was man unter Conversational Commerce versteht, für welche Unternehmen und Produkte...