by Tim Cortinovis | Thursday, 9. June, 2022 | AI-generated Summaries
Artificial intelligence is necessary for optimizing business and solving problems. Here are the top AI tools. Once an idea only existing in sci-fi, artificial intelligence now plays a role in our daily lives. In fact, we expect it from our tech products. No one wants... by Tim Cortinovis | Tuesday, 21. December, 2021 | AI-generated Summaries
Tax departments are always looking for ways to streamline their processes and procedures, and provide greater value-added services to management. Tax analytics and automation technologies present new opportunities to corporate tax departments, and the benefits will... by Tim Cortinovis | Thursday, 4. November, 2021 | AI-generated Summaries
Information technology (IT) automation tools help you easily manage IT processes that are scattered across several environments, tools, and technologies. In this guide, you will learn about the top five automation tools for managing IT processes. What is IT... by Tim Cortinovis | Tuesday, 14. September, 2021 | AI-generated Summaries
Vermehrt finden Chatbots branchenübergreifend ihren Einsatz entlang der Customer Journey. In vielen Abteilungen und Prozessen übernehmen sie gezielt Aufgaben und tragen zur stetigen Digitalisierung sowie Automatisierung der Unternehmen bei. Heutige KI Chatbots können...