Titled “Car.a”, this portfolio app created by world renowned photographer and artist, Jingna Zhang, is making waves in the art world. Merging her love for art and tech, Zhang developed the app using artificial intelligence, creating a platform where budding artists can showcase their work, and potentially skyrocket their careers. Furthermore, Car.a acts as an aid, enabling users to navigate the fine lines of the art business, relating crucial insights on pricing, negotiation, to contracts and intellectual property rights, thanks to its AI-driven capabilities.

Why does this matter? The application of artificial intelligence in the field of arts and creativity opens up a plethora of new opportunities. Not only does this help democratize the art industry by breaking down barriers and providing insight to those who lack experience or connections, but it also provides a revolutionary approach to discovery and interaction with art and artists.

Why is this important? For artists, creators, and art aficionados, as well as technology enthusiasts, this is a pioneering step into a future where AI can help curate, streamline and even understand and appreciate art in ways previously unimagined. By having such a platform, artists are given more power, visibility, and control over their work, thus making the world of art more equitable and inclusive.
Read the whole story [here](https://www.wired.com/story/cara-portfolio-app-artificial-intelligence-jingna-zhang/).

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